A Meet-n-Greet (“MnG”) is a prerequisite to all services we offer. Taking place in your home, this is your chance to meet one of our managers and the person that will become your pets’ primary caregiver*.
We take getting oriented to your pets and home very seriously. We will spend your choice of 45 or 60 minutes getting oriented with you, your home, and your pets; the animals get to sniff us out and ensure we’re worthy of being their sitters! We will clarify all information you have provided in your set-up paperwork, collect your keys and be ready to go!
MnG’s are offered Tuesday-Thursdays, 8:00-10:00am or 4:30-6:30 pm, and Fridays 8:00-10:00am. If none of these time frames work for you, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate where possible.
*The one-time charge for the start-up “MnG” is $45 (there is a $10 surcharge for MnGs lasting longer than an hour (exclusions apply). P
- Pets with special behavioral or medical needs may require one or more “practice” visits prior to your leaving them in our care, which are charged at normal visit rates. Reactive dogs may be required to have a trainer present to ensure everyone’s safety and their comfort until we are certain that a relationship of trust has been established between the dog and our care team.
- A “Refresher” meet-n-greet (“ReMnG”) may be required if you add to your furry family, move to a new home, if there are notable changes to your pets’ routines or health, or if a you have exceeded the minimum length of time between visits (one month for dogs, three months for cats). ReMnG is $30.
- All households eventually will have a minimum of two caregivers that know and love your four-legged family members, so as to ensure consistency and availability. You will be offered a chance to meet the secondary caregiver if that is of importance to you, but you can always read all about our incredible team of pet lovers here.