Excellence Awards
Posted on September 12, 2019
Each year, the Excellence Awards celebration attracts hundreds of prominent business leaders to recognize the people and companies that have demonstrated unique vision, innovation and achievement in support of our region’s economy and small to mid-size business community.

Posted on Feb 15, 2019
Adina Silberstein didn’t set out to start a thriving professional pet care business, but when a friend dared her to try to make money dog walking

Keep Pets Safe During Your Home Remodel
Posted on Jan 30, 2019
Recently I stopped in a new job site and was surprised to find the family’s two large dogs running around while contractors were working on ladders.

Why Taking Good Care of Your Employees is the Key to Success
Posted on Aug 24, 2018
Philadelphia-based professional pet sitting, dog walking and force-free, holistic wellness company, Queenie’s Pets®

Mt. Airy Woman's Love of Animals Created a Business (and a dog-walking trip to Paris)
Posted on July 04, 2012
The owner of Queenie’s Pets, a professional dog walking and pet-sitting service that serves Mt. Airy, Germantown

Mt. Airy Woman's Love of Animals Created a Business (and a dog-walking trip to Paris)
Posted on July 04, 2012
The owner of Queenie’s Pets, a professional dog walking and pet-sitting service that serves Mt. Airy, Germantown

Queenie's Pets listed as Top 20 dog walkers in Philadelphia
Posted on Oct 19, 2017
We looked at 347 Dog Walkers in Philadelphia and Picked the Top 20

Philly bosses encourage one another to pay more than the minimum
Posted on Oct 17, 2017
“There’s a really big difference between people’s perception of what it means to be a dog walker and what it means to be a professional dog walker,” Silberstein said, explaining why she joined Wage Change, a new organization of small Philadelphia businesses committed to paying more than minimum wage.

Shop Local: A place to grieve for deceased pets
Posted on Oct 17, 2017
Devastated. That’s the only word my friend Pam, a successful Philadelphia attorney, could summon up after the loss of her cat “Sweetie.” During any attempt Pam made to talk about it, her emotions silenced her.

Hold a Benefit for PAWS
Looking for a fun way to help the animals? Thanks to the support of community members who host and participate in fundraisers, PAWS is able to help tens of thousands of animals each year. Here are just a few event ideas: |
Death, religion studied in course, confronting uncomfortable topic
“Death and Dying” discusses death and the unfamiliarity of the afterlife.
“Death is very real, very emotional and very stressful—why not wrap your head around it?” said Defibaugh, who teaches “Death and Dying,” a three-credit course in Temple’s religion department.

Pets: The Dos and Don’ts of Owning a Dog in Philly
Q: My dog’s a yapper. What should I do so my neighbors won’t hate me?
Most people say Philadelphians are (surprisingly) polite about yippy neighbors. Still, tension can arise, especially when no one’s warned. Matt Schimsky, head trainer at Tuff Pup Training, suggests that new dog owners leave notes on doors saying they understand there’s a barking problem and they’re working on it. Wouldn’t hurt to attach that note to a bottle of whiskey.

In Mount Airy, this commercial strip has gone to the dogs, but in a good way
A RED, antique-looking vending machine full of dog treats is posted outside Queenie’s Pets in Mount Airy. A bowl of water is nearby.
The store’s owner, Adina Silberstein, started Queenie’s, a dog-walking and pet-sitting service, 10 years ago as a home-based business with just one employee.

Pawsome new Mt. Airy storefront adores pupsicles
It’s often been said that every dog has his day, but the lucky ones spend their days with Adina Silberstein or her dog walkers, even in a dog-eat-dog world. Adina’s Mt. Airy-based company, Queenie’s Pets, is part of a phenomenon gaining a toe-hold (or a paw-hold) in upscale neighborhoods around the country. That trend is the professional dog walker and pet sitter, once the purview of the teenager next door but now one of the fastest growing businesses in the country.

Because My Nephew’s Girlfriend is a Spaz
While certainly not recommended, a healthy adult cat can live in a closet for 62 hours without food or water. I happen to know this because a pet sitter locked my cat in a closet an entire weekend once.
Long story, but the moral is: make sure whoever is watching your pets counts them every day (also, dry cleaning removes neither cat pee stains nor odor so don’t even bother).

Queenie’s Pets Celebrates Anniversary
This Summer, Queenie’s Pets pet sitting/dog walking service celebrated their eighth year in business and their first year in East Falls -and what a fantastic year it was! No surprise for spunky owner, Adina Silberstein, who laughed when she stated that she knew Queenie’s would fit in well here, considering how many of our streets bear her company’s royal namesake.

Significant Business Results Radio
Adina Silberstein, Founder and CEO, Queenie’s Pets (R), LLC.
Queenie’s Pets(R), LLC helps busy, loving pet owners that struggle with reliable, trust-worthy, top-quality care for their pets when they can’t be with them so they can enjoy worry-free time away from home, and focus on either their work or relaxation without worrying about their pets or their home safety.

Be Bold 042: Queenie in the House! with Adina Silberstein
In Colleen’s first podcast of the new year she interviews Adina Silberstein, founder and CEO of pet care business Queenie’s Pets. Adina talks about how she took the leap from her “corporate job” to being an entrepreneur, as well as challenges she’s faced as a strong, successful, independent woman. She also shares her tips on how to stay on track and why it’s important to give yourself credit for all the good things you do.

How Do You Deal When Your Dog Has a Step-Parent?
The day I smelled the new woman’s perfume as I bent down to kiss my dog’s head after a visit with his other parent, I had no idea how to react.
I love my ex. I really do. No, we’re not in love anymore — it’s been over for more than three years — but we are still each other’s family. In times of need, we would both drop everything for one another. Though our breakup wasn’t without pain, the foundation of mutual love and respect was there. Jordan and I still share our greatest joys and sorrows with one another. And we share our dog.

The Red Flag
The OKCupid notification came through telling me I had an email from Sam* while I was out on a date with Josh. Frankly, Josh wasn’t anything to write home about, so Sam’s email, telling me he lived just one neighborhood over from me and was available the very next night, seemed perfect. We met that Sunday, on what turned into an almost seven-hour date. Conversation flowed, flirting was mutual, and I could put a check mark next to nearly every box I have in my mind for what I want in a new partner. We talked about our professions – his as an acupuncturist, mine as the owner of a professional pet care company – and about travels, family, funny quirks – all of the makings of a great first date and a clear connection.

What If I Die Before My Pets Do?
It’s always sad when a person dies. Their friends and families and even coworkers mourn, and they may take a long time to process their grief. But there is something even more profoundly sad when a pet parent dies, and their pets have no understanding as to why Mom or Dad never came home for them again. I am always sad for animals when they are given away to a shelter – or worse – put out on the street, unwanted. They never know why, or what they’ve done to deserve everything they’ve known to suddenly change. But a pet who loses his parents, especially to unexpected tragedy, is suddenly often surrounded by sadness, strangers, change and uncertainty – and the person who knew everything about what each look on their face meant is suddenly not there to be their friend, caregiver…their advocate.

Annoucement Of Our Grand Opening!
It’s often been said that every dog has his day, but the lucky ones spend their days with Adina Silberstein or her dog walkers, even in a dog-eat-dog world. Adina’s Mt. Airy-based company, Queenie’s Pets, is part of a phenomenon gaining a toe-hold (or a paw-hold) in upscale neighborhoods around the country. That trend is the professional dog walker and pet sitter, once the purview of the teenager next door but now one of the fastest growing businesses in the country.

The Rescue Run was a huge success!
We were the 3rd highest fundraising team.
The Rescue Run 5K is Philly’s first race to benefit and promote rescue and adoption. Annually in the Fall, hundreds of runners gather at the Navy Yard to race in honor of the dogs we love so much. Numerous rescue groups and shelters attend the Rescue Rally following the race. Racers, spectators, family and friends are able to meet furry friends for adoption and get more information about volunteering with local animal shelters. Proceeds go to continuing the mission of The Monster Milers, Philly’s shelter dog running and rescue, 501c3 non-profit volunteer group. You in? Register today.

Congratulations Adina!
Adina Silberstein, owner of Queenie’s Pets® professional pet sitting and dog walking, was among the 28 graduates of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses-Greater Philadelphia program in April.